Bhavan’s College established in 1946, to preserve and propagate Bharatiya Vidya, has throughout the  post-independence period, served the society’s educational needs ,by being  deeply committed to Bhavan’s Culture, Bhavan’s Traditions and Bhavan’s Values.  Due to the dynamic, versatile and visionary leadership of our Chairman Adv. Asif Mulla, the Bhavan’s Campus at Andheri has been enriched by bonding and networking between the Sister Institutions on the Campus; such that opportunities abound for Bhavanites to learn the ancient and the new, to explore international endeavours and yet remain strongly rooted in Indian Culture. Thus Bhavan’s campus at Andheri truly lives up to the Vision of the founder Kulapati Dr. K.M.Munshiji. For Bhavan’s education means “Amrutam Tu Vidya” i.e  “Knowledge is Nectar”  as it  strives to bring together sound academic  achievement with an extensive, vibrant co-curricular program that includes sports, culture and leadership training.


Grooming professionals  by providing  modern facilities for academic  excellence, training in soft and  vocational skills, so that they can meaningfully contribute to the building of the Nation.Achieving a holistic development of personality through education which is in the view of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, is both modern and tradition so as” to motivate the weak, address the average and challenge the gifted”


Student development encouraged through Knowledge, Imagination and Innovation  thereby  creating responsible global citizens. . Linking studies with contemporary industry developments and applications. . Encouraging creative and collaborative engagement in curricular and co/extra-curricular activities